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    Dr. Sevgi Kurtulmaz

    She was born in 1968 in Amasya. After graduating from Merzifon Karamustafa Paşa Primary School and Istanbul Haznedar Secondary School, she completed her high school education in Ankara 50. Yıl High School with the first place. She received her medical education from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine between 1985-1991 and her specialization from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology in 1996. During her years of working as a Radiation Oncology specialist, she observed that cancer patients suffered greatly during their painful periods. She observed that in these patients, acupuncture is widely used as a complementary treatment method alongside classical medical approaches in order to both increase the effect of the treatment and ensure a better quality of life in this process.

    She went to Azerbaijan to study energy management and acupuncture in oriental medicine. Then she studied acupuncture at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. While dealing with painful diseases, she observed that mesotherapy treatment was frequently used alongside acupuncture in France and other European countries. Thereupon, she went to France to receive mesotherapy training. During this process, she had the opportunity to watch and learn that mesotherapy is not only used in the treatment of pain, but also in patients with weight and cellulite problems, even for antiaging purposes on the face. She continues to work with her team in her clinic with counseling and treatment recommendations on acupuncture, healthy living, and antiaging. Wishing you a healthy and happy life…

    Sevgi Kurtulmaz

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    Body Analysis

    Sports and diet are indispensable for permanent and healthy weight loss. However, to fully determine the needs of the body for a healthy weight loss process; You need to analyze correctly.


    Carboxytherapy; It is an application that is done by injecting carbon dioxide gas into certain parts of the body and aims at regional weakening. The weight loss process is a very long and laborious process for many people.


    Cavitation; It is a non-surgical slimming method applied with ultrasound without injection. Due to today's working and living conditions, it is very difficult to get rid of regional fat.


    Mesotherapy Ankara; It is an application that gives effective results in many areas such as removing skin defects, slimming, cellulite and hair loss treatment.

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    At Your Service

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    Liposuction 80%
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    Cellulite Treatment

    Cellulite; It is a rough, orange peel-like skin problem that usually occurs in the buttocks and abdomen.

    Hair Loss Treatment

    Hair loss is a hair problem that causes hair loss and weakening due to weakening of the hair follicles.

    Acne Treatment

    Acne; It is a skin problem that occurs as a result of the clogging of the sebum channels (oil-secreting channels) in the middle layer of the skin.

    Spot Treatment

    Spot treatment; These are treatments that aim to solve many common types of stains by using laser and radiofrequency technologies.

    Under Eye Bruise Treatment

    Under-eye bruise; It is a skin defect that women often complain about, causing the person to look old and tired.

    Complementary Medicine

    Acupuncture Treatment

    Acupuncture; It is a special treatment method, which has an increasing importance today, as a complementary treatment. By stimulating the nerve endings in the body, it provides the treatment of many ailments or the relief of symptoms.

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